78 Record image Vosbikian Band label 78 record image

Arabkir Bahr Instrumental Ben and Jerry Instrumental
Darikes Vocals by Joseph (aka Hoach) Vosbikian Enzely Instrumental - Piano by Steve Ajdaharian
Fourteen Instrumental Horom Horom Vocals by Steve Ajdaharian
Hye Bahr Instrumental Jezayir Instrumental
Mashdi Ibad Vocals by Jirair Hovnanian Oud Solo Instrumental by Sam Vosbikian
Partzer Sarer Vocals by Jimmy Vosbikian Soorch Bahr Instrumental
Sirahar Yem Vocals by Jirair Hovnanian Tamzara Instrumental
Tamzara Instrumental Vosbikian Special Instrumental
Vosbikian Special 2 Instrumental Yares Er Kalis Vocals by Jirair Hovnanian
Yarisismennegvadzeh (In case the first wav didn't turn out) Yarus Isnen Negvadzeh Vocals by Steve Ajdaharian
Yar Muhney Vocals by Joseph Vosbikian YarnAnoosh Vocals by Jimmy Vosbikian
Yeg Yeg Vocals by Jirair Hovnanian Yes Bejoor Vocals by Jimmy Vosbikian

These songs are no longer available for sale. They are classic Armenian songs recorded by the Original Vosbikian Band (pictured above). Don't be surprised if many of these songs sound scratchy. They were all recorded a long time ago on 78 rpm records.


  • To Listen: Just use your mouse and click on any song title. Your computer's wav player should pick up on it. If it doesn't, don't worry. There may be many others trying to listen as well. You also have the option of saving these wavs.
  • To Save: First, use your mouse and just right click on any song title. Then, choose "Save target," for your next option. You will then see the name of the song with type of file underneath (WAV). You can file it onto a separate CD. Or, you can file it inside a separate folder located in your hard drive. I personally file wavs in a file called, "My Music" that's inside "My Documents" area. ENJOY!

Many thanks to my brother, John Vosbikian, who took the time to record all these wonderful songs onto a CD. He also created the above Vosbikian 78 image (that I made into an animation).

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