As Christmas approaches, I get an increasing feeling of expectancy and anticipation. It is a period of time when I start thinking young -- a time when the warmer, more loving part of my nature comes through. I begin feeling more optimistic. Daring to believe that all of my cherished wishes and desires can be fulfilled. I become more affectionate, patient, considerate, understanding, and forgiving, all at the same time. I develop a kinship and sensitivity toward all people, including those who are not friendly with me. It is during this time when the better part of me surfaces and I can see, for that small measure of time, how beautiful the world can be. Christmas is a time of year when Christians and non-Christians come closer together because Christmas is love and love is universal. It is truly a most beautiful time of year. It is a justification of all the love and faith that I possess. The comes Christmas Day and my feelings start to change. The turbulence within me turns to calm. It is a day of reverence and remembrance. I have many different feelings on this day -- feelings that make me wish for seclusion. As the day wears on, there is an increased tugging at my conscience. While I sit in the comfort of my home, secure and warm, surrounded by family, I know that many will be hungry and destitute on this day. I know that many will die or will be dying from illness, violence or despairing loneliness on this day. I will sit and wonder, with a frustrated sense of betrayal. I will question what it was that justified my optimism for this day. I will pray that the world finds everlasting peace. I will pray that there will be good will among men. I will pray that by next Christmas, I will find its true spirit, knowing that this can never be unless the whole world finds it. The day following Christmas, I will wake up physically and spiritually drained. The smell of the Christmas tree won’t excite me anymore and the ornaments won’t seem as beautiful as they did a few days ago., The beautiful carols that I had been joyfully listening to and singing all week long, will suddenly sound used and worn. It will be time to put my Christmas away along with my Christmas personality. I will do this with a feeling of sadness and emptiness until the thought of the pending New Year takes hold. I will look guardedly toward it with the hope that I will find what I didn’t find in the Christmas past. I will look ahead with a sense of vagueness as to what it is I’m searching for but knowing full well that I will have no doubt as to what it is when I find it. As the year progresses and turns old with time, as the colors of autumn give way to Fall again, there will come with it a new spirit of optimism, anticipation, and expectancy. Once again, I will feel the same warm urgency drawing me in. And as the anticipation of a new Christmas takes hold, I will reach within myself and draw out the warmer, more loving part of my nature. I will dust it off and wear it again for a little while. Joseph Vosbikian