According to the October 23 issue of the Armenian Reporter Int., there is a twenty-one million dollar fund drive underway to provide 200,000 tons of heating oil to Armenia this winter. Actually, only seven mission dollars of the twenty-one million needs raising. The Lincy foundation has generously offered to double match it by providing the additional fourteen million. All funds raised by the Hayastan All Armenian Fund and local tax exempt Armenian Fund organizations, both here and abroad, will be turned over to the United Armenian Fund for this project. The United Armenian Fund (UAF) is a coalition of the Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Relief Society, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, and of course, the Lincy Foundation. All of the purchasing the transportation for this fuel will be under the UAF’s supervision in full cooperation with the Hayastan All Armenian Fund. All of the suppliers involved have agreed to accept payment only upon delivery in Armenia, thereby eliminating the risk of loss or pilfering during transport. According to Mr. Harout Sassoumian, one of the individuals involved in establishing the UAF, the development of this united fund raising alliance is a major breakthrough for all Armenians, and this is true. To the best of my knowledge, though there has been an increasing amount of cooperation between some of our Armenian organizations, I have never seen anything to match the united magnitude of this twenty-one mission dollar fund drive. No doubt, there was a massive outpouring of response and some cooperation between a few of our Diaspora organizations and institutions after the December 7, 1988 earthquake. But there wasn’t anything as united and coordinated as this newest UAF drive. I can only hope and pray that it succeeds and that it becomes a model for the future. I also hope and pray that after Armenia’s crisis winters are past -- when she finally finds peace and becomes a firmly established and prosperous nation, that her scribes will take the time to properly acknowledge all of the unselfish labors of love and dedication along the way. And when they record this latest twenty-one million dollar, winter warming of Armenia fund drive, I’m sure they will acknowledge the Lincy Foundation as well as the UAF will all of its supporting organizations. But more than that, they can truthfully say, "The winter of ‘93 was the first time in history when Armenians throughout the world were truly united." Those wishing to help history along by contributing, can do so through the organizations listed in this commentary. For more information, they can telephone the UAF directly at (818) 241-8900 or they can write to: UAF, 126 S. Jackson Street, Suite 205, Glendale, California 92105. Joseph Vosbikian