Dear Hovsep - In the story of the prodigal son (Luke XV 11-32), the father welcomes the return of his lost son. I ran away from home and when I returned, my old man showed me the door. It makes a man lose faith. What do you think? Wayward Wayfarer ********* Dear Wayward; Times have changed. Hovsep ********************************* Dear Hovsep - For forty years, I’ve worked here to help my husband on our farm. All of a sudden this sod buster is getting primed up like a dud and going to town three times a week. I can’t know for a fact, but my country sense tells me there’s some hanky panky going on. I’d sure hate to find that out, cause if’n it’s what I think, I’d widow myself real fast. Considering the way he slops my pigs, I sure would be sorry to see that happen. It’s up to you and the good Lord to see me through. Please help me. Faith is my Fullfillment ********* Dear Faith - As the old saying goes, “a good horse always finds his way back to the stable.” Hovsep ********************************* Dear Hovsep, I smoke five packs of cigarettes a day. My wife says I have a serious problem. Can you comment on this? Smoke Stack ********* Dear Smoke Stack, Yours is not a serious problem, it’s a GRAVE problem. Hovsep ********************************* Dear Hovsep, My old lady and this hag next door argue all the time. Every time they’re in the back yard hanging wash they start in. I work the midnight to eight shift and when they start, I wake up and can’t get back to sleep. What’s the solution? I Live by Your Word ********* Dear Live, Kill one of the other! Hovsep ********************************* Dear Hovsep, Evolutionists claim we've descended from the ape. Were my ancestors apes? Were your ancestors apes? Please Respond. Need to Know ********* Dear Need, Yes and No! Hovsep ********************************* Dear Hovsep, My old lady and this hag next door argue all the time. Every time they’re in the back yard hanging wash they start in. I work the midnight to eight shift and when they start, I wake up and can’t get back to sleep. What’s the solution? I Live by Your Word ********* Dear Live, Kill one or the other! Hovsep