Osana bin Laden is still at large -- the amount of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan are still mounting, and there is no end in sight to the billions upon billions it is costing our great nation. As for the 141,000 troops we still have in Iraq, many of our military leaders have been urging our President to follow one of two options: (1) send in more troops or (2) get the hell out of there and let the U.N. take over. But the U.N., on the other hand, will not take over until G.W.B. relinquishes some of his pre-emptive power, which he hasn't been willing to do. At present, the destiny of our future on this war on terrorism, is in the hands of a less experienced, headstrong stalwart like Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, who is being strongly supported by an even less experienced President. And if our present-day leaders at long last are forced to decide on one of those two options, it is more than likely from past experiences that they will choose number (1). And since the amount of military volunteers have been dwindling, chances are they'll start considering bringing back selective service. And if this happens, chances are they might start saying, "Well, why not Iran and Syria while we're at it." Before this happens, I would like to also see the return of a little more common sense among us. A little while back, I received a hypothetical work experience of our President George W. Bush on the network. It is as follows: - I ran for Congress and lost. - I produced a Hollywood slasher B movie. - I bought an oil company but couldn't find oil in Texas and my company went bankrupt shortly after I sold my stock. - I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land using taxpayer money. - I traded Sammy Sosa to the Chicago White Sox. - With my father's help and nearly the same name, I was elected to Governor of Texas. - I changed pollution laws for oil and power companies and made Texas the most polluted state in the nation. - I replaced Los Angeles with Houston as the most smog-ridden city in America. - I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas government in billions in borrowed money. - I set a record for the most executions by any governor in American history. - I became President after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes with the help of the Supreme Court. - I attacked and took over two countries. - I spent the country's surplus and bankrupted the Treasury. - I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history. - I set the economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period. - I set an all-time record for the biggest stock market drop in its history. - I set the record for the most mortgage foreclosure in a twelve-month period. - I presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed. - I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have done. - I cut health care benefits for war veterans and set the all time record for the most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest--shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind. - I dissolved more international treaties than any president in U.S. history. - My presidency is the most secretive and unaccountable of any in U.S. history. - Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in U.S. history. - I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world. - I created the largest government bureaucracy in the history of the United States and set the all time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in U.S. history, while at the same time proposing tax cuts. - I am the first president in U.S.history to have the U.N. remove the U.S. from the elections monitoring board. - I withdrew from the World Court of Law. - I hold the record for most corporate campaign donations. - My biggest lifetime campaign contributor, one of my best friends, presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history. (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation) - I am the first president in U.S. history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the U.N. and world community. - I am the first president in U.S. history to have a majority of the people in Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability. - I set all time appointments for the number of administration appointees who violated U.S. law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts. - I failed to get bin Laden dead or alive, I failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the U.S. Capitol Building. After 28 months I have no leads and no suspects. - In a little over six years, I created the most divided country in decades. - I entered office with the strongest U.S. economy in history, and in less than two years every category plunged. - I have at least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine. (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available.) - I was AWOL from the U.S. National Guard. - Records for my tenure as Governor of Texas are in my father's library, unavailable for public view. - All records of any SEC investigations into insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed and unavailable for public view. - All minutes of meetings for any public corporation I served on the board are sealed and unavailable for public view. - Any records or minutes my V.P. or I attended regarding public energy policy are sealed unavailable for public view. Well, there you have it. If after reviewing all of this and we find credibility in only half of the expressed experiences of G.W.B., one has to wonder: Where do we go from here? Come to think of it, when G.W.B. was campaigning for the presidency during 1999, he promised our honor bound Armenian lobbies, that he would get the Turks to own up to the 1915-1923 Genocide of 1,500,000 of our Armenian people at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. To date, as President, and as expected, George W. Bush has done absolutely nothing about it and the Turks use a good part of the millions our government gives them annually to finance their ninety-one years of criminal denial. - Joseph Vosbikian