I had titled this parody as "The Story of Man" during 6/18/87. I have now retitled this slightly revised parody "The Story of Intelligent Design," 10/31/05 Big Daddy must have really been impatient with Big Momma. He must have been disturbed over the way She was handling things. He must have wanted to hurry things up a little. That's probably why He created Man. It was quite simple the way He went about doing it. He took an ordinary ape, straightened its back, shortened its arms, lengthened its legs, and gave it a haircut. Then He did something He'd never done before; He actually touched His new creation on the head, and that's when all the trouble started. Of course, new creatures were nothing new to Big Momma; Big Daddy was always messing around with something new. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. As far as She was concerned, this new ‘whatever it was' wasn't going to last. Next to a dinosaur, it was nothing. It stood upright, it had small fangs, no claws and had a hard time getting out of its own way--absolutely nothing that could keep it alive. "The ‘Old Man' must have been on ‘star juice' when He made this one" She had said at one time. In the beginning, this new mutation called "Man," wasn't much of a predator. He raided nests for eggs, ate what the carnivores left behind, and very often became a part of the leavings himself. His future looked bleak. Being forever a woman, it was Big Momma's style in these days, to let the world ferment on its own for awhile as She made Her social rounds through the universe. It was on Her return from such a respite that She got the biggest surprise of Her eternal life. She had only been away a million years and though She felt sorry for Big Father's latest brainstorm, She was certain He wouldn't be around when She got back. "Survival of the fittest," She's always said and later came to regret. Well, you can imagine Her surprise when She saw that Man had survived. These little creatures had not only survived, but they had taken on a completely new look. They weren't naked anymore. They were all clothed in fine furs and they were all carrying clubs, stone axes, shields, and spears. Even more amazing, they had learned how to make fire and they weren't groveling and groaning anymore; they were talking--something only the Gods could do. Big Momma finally realized that She was in trouble. This new creature called Man was not like the mindless creatures that Big Daddy had created in the past. He had given this one a brain. As She watched through time, Man started taking Her intricate system of checks and balances apart to redirect them for His own expanding needs. In the space of a few more million years He had learned how to domesticize and control the breeding of animals so He would not have to hunt them. He had learned how to cultivate the earth so He wouldn't have to scratch for plant foods. He had come out of the caves and had built shelters. His mating habits had changed. He no longer cycled with the seasons as the rest of the creatures did; He laid with His woman whenever He wanted and the more He laid with Her, the more He multiplied. "It makes no difference how I set things up," She fumed. "This hairless ape is only going to try and change it anyway. She had been so busy watching that 18,000,000 years slipped by without Her realizing it. It was absurd, ridiculous, intolerable -- something had to be done. "It's no good to fool around with Big Momma," She screamed as She furiously stirred up the elements. She caused volcano eruptions, droughts, plagues, hurricanes, typhoons, monsoons, earthquakes, and then She topped the whole thing off with an ice age. But no matter what She did, Man survived and got stronger -- and multiplied. She was beside Herself. She melted all the ice and caused the world to be flooded. Of course, She realized that a billion-and-a-half years of evolution might go down the drain, but it was a chance She had to take. Well, as we all know now, things didn't turn out the way Big Momma expected. Gossip had it that Big Daddy tipped Her hand and had Man build a boat and put His most favorite creatures on it. As it turned out, Man and all of these creatures survived but all of the dinosaurs, and really big ones, died. From the very beginning when this fragile being called Man was put on this earth, He has had to continually fight the forces of nature and He had survived. He was now many races, speaking in many tongues. He made laws and governed nations. He had many gods and many religions. Man's most formidable enemy had become Man himself. He had done a great many good things and a great many bad. He was now harnessing the atom. If he ultimately used these new forces for good, the world would survive. But if the bad in Him prevailed, and if He accidentally or in anger pulls the ‘Big Plug', the world, and possibly our whole solar system, would perish. Today, Big Daddy and Big Momma are cautiously watching and Big Momma especially. Though Man was an unwanted child, and She wanted to abort Him, He had become the most promising and exciting of all Her children. In Her more trying moments, She had also considered pulling the ‘Big Plug' Herself, but since all of the remaining worlds in the universe, have Big Mommas of their own. She wouldn't have anything left to do and nothing to look forward to but eternal boredom. Big Momma desperately hopes that Man finds His way, although She still can't figure out why Big Daddy made Him in the first place. And do you know what? At times, Big Daddy can't figure it out either. Joseph Vosbikian