COMMENTARY 10/05/05 One of the most important statements that Dwight D. Eisenhower made during his tenure as President was "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex." And sure enough, since that time there has been constant conflict from rebellions to territorial wars going on our planet, Earth. Moreover, I believe it was President Richard M. Nixon who finally turned our military from citizen soldiers into professional volunteers. This empowered our Military Industrial Complex even more. Perhaps this is why we don't hear an outcry from our public over the rising casualty rate of our present-day warriors in Iraq. Come to think of it, perhaps there is method to all of this madness. Wars and rebellions, after all, kill people thereby protecting us from over-population. What's more, it feeds the economy since there are destroyed areas that need rebuilding Not to mention, all of the destroyed weapons the Military Industrial Complexes of the world will have to replace. As for the money that will be needed to research and develop bigger and better weapons or mass destruction, this in itself is beyond human comprehension. Sound ludicrous, inhuman, insane? It certainly does. But if we need some verification as to whether or not our world is being controlled by opposing Military Industrial Complex, just ask yourself: When was the last time we spent more than half of our national budget on basic human necessities rather than on military arms? No doubt, our armchair wannabees, along with our Christian right-wingers and our brain-washed patriots , along with some of our short-circuited parents, want the security of a powerful military. But this doesn't read out to me as proof of being a loyal patriot but rather more like beings who are living in constant fear. As for myself, I would like to see our country return back to being the leader for peace. again. And if there are nations out there who are looking for democracy, let them put it where their mouth is, as our colonial forbearers once did. The way I see it, we should project the value of our God-given freedoms and democracy by peaceful example and not through military force. And as far as our Military Industrial Complex goes, we should start taking back the control of our country again before any of those half-cocked generals, along with a brain-washed army, decide they want the whole ball of wax. It'll never happen? Tell that to the Germans, Italians, Japanese, and last but not least, the Russians. Oh, by the way, where were all those ‘caped crusaders' when a million-and-a-half of our people were being mercilessly murdered by the Ottoman Turks a little less than a century ago. And as for those who still favor being controlled by a Military Industrial Complex, I would wonder: How many among them are for pro life and how many of them are for pro choice? Joseph Vosbikian