2/11/05 In writing this commentary, I am certain that it will not sit well with some of our Armenian religious stalwarts who are threading their way to salvation between fantasy and reality. Be that as it may, I would caution the reader that my intentions do not stem as much from my lack of faith as they do in the way that many of today's organized religions have been reinterpreting their sacred scriptures. My Armenian Apostolic faith, for instance, was established in 301 A.D. as a State religion,.while the Catholic faith, on the other hand, was established some twenty-five to fifty years later as a universal Christian faith. And even though both are Christian, and though both pay homage to the same Jesus Christ while following the same liturgy, both have remained adversarial toward each other from the first day that they were born. Not only that but within my Apostolic faith, we have two separate hierarchies with two Catholici, separate churches, and again with the very same exact liturgy. Yet, judging from the way they jealously try to convince their separated following of their motives for remaining separate, I can not help but look on them as separate corporations that have more belief in their separate budgets and bottom lines than they do in the Christan God they represent Fact is that all of our Christian faiths have committed atrocities along the way. And speaking of rituals, it's been said that much of the pageantry in these traditional Christian faiths were copied from the Zoriastrian faith, which later drove many of them into Islam. More recently, we saw H. H. Pope John Paul II of the Roman Catholic faith officiating at the bestowing of sainthood on St. Gregory, along with the inauguration of a nineteen-foot statue of St. Gregory at the Vatican. This spiritual bridge has been 1,700 years in the making. In today's world, we have many religions with each of them driving home their own existence over all the rest. Meantime they continue their separate journeys to salvation even though none among them have returned to verify the salvation they speak of. Today's religions and their lust for power arre starting to threaten the shrinking world we live in. Needless to say, I am almost at the very end of my rope when it comes to organized religions. And for all heads of state or religions who say they speak to God, including our own president, evangelists, clerics or what have you, all I can say is: Give them all lie detector tests. Joseph Vosbikian