While having a normal, "What's wrong with this world of ours?" conversation with a personal friend, he suddenly asked, "Joe. If Jesus Christ were to come back to earth, which of our Christian churches would He go to?" And though I have since been pondering finding an answer to that question, I must confess I haven't found one. For sure, there are many Christians who are God-worthy, but I have also met many who are God-worthy among non-Christians as well. In any event, it's a question that needs answering. Presently, I do not believe that true faith is in the worthless rhetoric being spewed from the altars of our temples synagogues, mosques, or churches. Fact is that more people have died in wars created by religious indifferences than for any other reason. Nor do I believe that it is in the ersatz way that many of us worship. And last, but not least, as Apostolic Armenian Christians, it definitely is not in how much we donate to our churches or in the blind way we read our scriptures of faith. True faith, I believe, is what our Lord Jesus Christ was trying to teach us before His predicted crucifixion. In that regard, I believe that the most important part of His teachings were in the power of Universal Love. And this He confirmed by his tortured words as He ws dying on the cross - "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do." In short, His begging for forgiveness didn't favor believers or non-believers. Which Christian Church would Jesus Christ go to if He came back to earth? I don't really know, but one thing I am sure: He most certainly wouldn't go to a divided Armenian Apostolic Church - an Armenian Apostolic Church that 'talks the talk,' but does not 'walk the walk.' An Armenian Church that speaks of all His words but remains hypocritically divided. Where's the Universal Love? Joseph Vosbikian