On July 18, 2003, we saw England’s Prime Minister Tony Blair addressing a joint session of our Congress in an effort to justify the preempted war against Iraq. This, of course, was in response to the mounting controversy over whether or not the invasion of Iraq was necessary. His speech was eloquent and well received. However, the day after Tony Blair’s speech, the viability of the information that George W. Bush and his subordinates presented to our Congress and public prior to our invasion of Iraq, found itself in the middle of controversy again. On July 17, 2003, prior to the Prime Minister’s visit, the head of our CIA had come forward at a congressional hearing, to claim that any misinformation that our President or his subordinates had offered prior to Iraq, was due to CIA oversight. It was a noble effort toward exonerating our Executive Branch of any wrongdoing. And on the 20th of July, it was announced that in England, a former U.N. weapons inspector and advisor to Tony Blair, who was also heavy-handedly being queried for supplying misinformation, had committed suicide. Sounds like a James Bond thriller, doesn’t it? Well, here we are, in the most formidable Beacon of Light democracy in the world, wondering whether or not the CIA was really careless, or even worse, if our President and State Department have been writing their own scenarios. As in a good soap opera, I suppose we’ll just have to tune in tomorrow, same time - same station. It all started with the 911" tragedy. President Bush justifiably declared war on terrorism and formally named Osana Bin Laden and his al-Qaeda as the enemy. Along the way, however, the big picture began changing. Into the mix comes Iraq, Saddam Hussein and his (WMD) Weapons of Mass Destruction. Nothing more than speculation, of course, but enough to inject more fear into an already anxious and angry public. What’s more, there was even some speculation along the way of a possible link between Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. Where was it all coming from? Nowhere in particular, but an anxious, angry public was in no mood to sort things out. Heck! Saddam Hussein had been blatantly ignoring the U.S. and the U.N. since 1991. Wasn’t it more than likely that h e could be a threat to the entire world? What’s more, hadn’t the U.S. and the U.N., including some of our NATO nations, been sweeping Saddam Hussein’s belligerent attitude under the carpet all these years? At this juncture, I would like to say that while all this was going on, in order to avert armed conflict, the U.N. had started sending weapons inspectors into Iraq again, but had found no WMD. And as far as our public was concerned, the majority at the time, would have preferred seeing the matter settled through the U.N. as in Desert Storm. Fact is, that even our Pentagon militarists cited that a U.N. solution was far better than a preempted war. But this wasn’t good enough for our guys ‘holding the coats’; they wanted it to happen yesterday. And as it turned out, our war hawks had their way. Today, after a ‘turkey shoot’ victory in Iraq and a few months of unsteady occupation, no WMD have been found. What’s more, Saddam Hussein, his sons and Osam Bin Laden are still at large. And as time goes on, the people of Iraq are looking at us more like conquerors rather than liberators. Not only that, but we’ve got a good part of the world ‘pi---ed off’ at us. Not counting the billions we’ll be paying over the years to cover the cost of the war itself, it’s costing us an additional 1-1/2 billion a week for occupation. Aside from that, we’re going from trillions in surplus to trillions in debt during this administration. We have yet to hear how many lives it cost the Iraqis to become liberated and although our casualties ties during the war were low, Iraqi guerrillas are presently killing one or two of our boys every day. What’s more, our ‘war hawks’ are saying it may take another 3-10 years to democratize Iraq. I don’t know, but there seems to be a lot of questions that need answering. I certainly hope and pray that our President and his stalwarts are up to answering them. That is, if there still enough of a democratic nation left to answer to. Continuing on: In the July 22, 2003 issue of the Armenian Reporter Int’l, there was a small article on the front page entitled, Bill on Recognition of Armenian Genocide Withdrawn at the Insistence of V.P. Cheney. I would like to know where did Vice-President Dick Cheney, Deputy Head of the Pentagon Paul Wolfowitz, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, and Turkish Premier Recep Erdougan, get the authority to keep our U.S. Congress from voting on an overdue bill recognizing the 1915-1923 Genocide of 1,500,000 Armenians by the Turkish Ottomans? And finally, if they had such authorization, does this mean that our present-day U.S. government believes in preempted massacres as well as preempted wars? Joseph Vosbikian