We are all, no doubt, aware of the many acts of pedophile committed by a few celibate Catholic clerics. Though such acts were committed by a mentally retarded few, it none-the-less cast a long shadow over the abiding majority of loyal Catholic clerics who practice their faith with honor and respectability. These disclosures took on a more ominous character because, in the past, the Diocese heads chose to cover-up these improprieties rather than mustering the courage to publicly defrock and banish the perpetrators from religious servitude. On looking back, one has to wonder: Was the blemish it may have caused, at the time, worth the enormous disgrace it has imposed on the Catholic faith of today? As I look at our own divided Armenian Apostolic churches, I also wonder: How many holy improprieties have our Apostolic leaders been covering up? And if they have been playing "Russian Roulette" with our Armenian faith, isn’t it possible that the same ugly thing could also happen to us? Our Armenian Apostolic faith is seventeen-hundred centuries old. And for the most part, the world has changed dramatically, but our Armenian church hasn’t. Our Armenian Apostolic Church presently mandates celibacy after her clerics reach higher rank. But we know that even though the church mandates celibacy, that many in the higher ranks have already crossed that line. Therefore, doesn’t it make good sense to do the humane thing by taking the celibacy mandate out of the line up? Furthermore, how effectively can any celibate priest counsel a married couple if they themselves have never experienced the blessing of love and marriage. Moreover, how can they counsel how to raise a child, especially in the liberal societies of today, if they themselves haven’t experienced parenthood? All of our Christian faiths define God as our Holy Father. And though I will not dispute the fact as to whether or not God is a male or female, I do strongly dispute the exclusion of women from our altars. Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ was a woman. Yet, in most of our traditional Christian faiths, a woman, even the Mother of Christ, is not allowed on the altar. Why? Is it because celibacy in women is more easily determined than a man’s? The Apostle John said that Mother Mary was a virgin before, during, and after She gave birth to Christ. How did he know? Was he a gynecologist? And, last but not least, as Armenian Apostolics, why do we go to divided churches--why do our vaunted clerics continue to keep us divided? In making my feelings known and being contrary to what my Armenian Apostolic Church presently preaches, I fully realize that I may be putting my eternal destiny in question. But I don’t think I am because our Savior’s First doctrine of faith was the doctrine of Love and the second was in the fact that being created in the image of God, we are all independent in both mind and spirit. And to this end, we all have the choice of finding our own way to salvation. If such weren’t the case, we wouldn’t be endowed with the Godlike individuality we were created with. Therefore, I am always ready for advice but, for real honest-to-goodness enlightenment, being of independent mind and spirit, it must and can only come from within myself. And this being so, I do not believe that there is a mortal being on earth that has the authority or the power to dictate which of the many roads is the only true road to salvation. As time passes, our earthly faiths will become more of an object of dispute over the varying beliefs that they espouse. This being so, I believe that the time has come for all faiths to get together and to bring their beliefs into harmony with the present, and even more so, with each other. The following is a part of Meditation 17 (John Donne 1572-1631). ".... No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or thine own were. Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls: It tolls for thee....." Joseph Vosbikian