Since the September 11th attack on America, we've been hearing some jargon about the Islam religion and how humane it is. Though certain sects of Islam may be more humane than others, it is not to say that love and forgiving are consistent among all Islam sects. As with all religions of the world, the balances between love and hate are in the hands of who's interpreting it. Islam takes its origin back to the Prophet Muhammed. He was born in Mecca Arabia around 541 A.D. Muhammed was orphaned at an early age and was raised by a succession of relatives. Eventually, a rich merchant uncle took over and sent him on trading excursions where he met old and new testament people. At age 25, he was proposed to by a wealthy widow of 40 named Khadja. She bore him three daughters but no sons. By the time Muhammed was 40, he had developed mystical traits. According to hearsay, he received a revelation compelling him to denounce paganism and polytheism in Mecca and to preach the existence of only one god (Allah). His early followers were few and he called them, "Companions." The Koran (Qur,an) was born from his revelation. It listed Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed as prophets. Though the Koran forbids its true believers from committing aggression, it also calls on its believers to fight in the way of God against all those who fight against him. It also recommends that those who ascribe partners to God (Allah) thereby denying the unity of God, should be destroyed. This is known to all fundamentalist Muslims as Jihad (holy war), thus leaving these devout Muslims in a perpetual constant war against all religions who do not follow the Koran. The five pillars of Islam are as follows: 1. There is no God but God and Muhammed is the prophet of God. 2. Muslims pray five times daily - at daybreak, noon, mid-afternoon, after sunset, and early in the night. 3. During the month of fasting (Ramadan), Muslims must not eat, drink, or have sexual relations between dawn and sunset. 4. All Muslims must give alms (zakat) no less than two-and-a-half percent of their income and certain kinds of property to charity. 5. A true Muslim must make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca during a lifetime. Muhammed made Mecca the place of his birth, the Capitol of all Islam before his death in 632 A.D. He was in his nineties. Muhammed named no successors. He was succeeded by two caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar. They were his Companions. The birth of the Arab race came from the seed of Ishmael who was sired by Abraham through Hagar, a slave belonging to Abraham whose wife Sarah was barren. After Sarah gave birth to Isaac, however, she forced Abraham to banish Hagar and Ishmael so her son Isaac wouldn't lose his firstborn privileges. As the Old Testament tells us, the Jewish race was sired through the seed of Isaac making the Jews and Arabs half brothers. No doubt, most of the background of traditional religions comes from hearsay or unwitnessed doctrines. And although our historians do the best they can to verify some of the details, there can be no doubt that there are some biased exaggerations. As for Islam being without prejudice or hate, I would say that it is no more or less than other religions. And verifiable history confirms this fact over and over again. One such confirmation which history didn't have to confirm to me was what I saw firsthand during WW II. During the war, our infantry unit had to handle a lot of German POW's. On many of these POW's were their infamous Nazi belt buckles on which was embossed in raised letters, "Gott Mit Uns" (God's with us). And in this regard, I'm sure you'd have a hell of a time proving that to the 6,000,000 Jews who were mercilessly exterminated by Hitler and his devout Christian followers. And how about those benevolent Islam Ottomans who slaughtered 1,500,000 of our Armenian men, women, and children between 1915-1923 A.D. Then, of course, there's King Leopold and the Belgium Congo - Biafra, Japan and the rape of Nanking, the Crusades, the American Indians, slavery, Stalin, the Inquisition, etc., etc., etc. I could go on and on, but when we look at the bottom line, no religion, no matter how kind and forgiving its credo, the bottom line is in the hands of the interpreter. As history points out, during times of conflict and upheaval, religion becomes only a tool in the hands of the propagandist. Today, we find ourselves at war with terrorism. It's a war that was inevitable. But more than that, regardless of what the underlying circumstances are, it's a war that we have to win, and win we will. Be that as it may, with all of its kinks and flaws, this is the world we live in. And its problems are the outgrowths of the shortcomings of our past. Those who established these shortcomings have long since passed on into eternity, but we are still here following without question. In short, the ball is in our court. We can go on following our separate beaten paths into extinction or we can, at long last, try to find some common ground. But before we do that, we have a war to win. Joseph Vosbikian