During the past few years, we have seen some major turnarounds in foreign governments. They are finally coming around to accepting the 1915 Genocide of our people by the Ottoman Turks as a valid part of world history. Thanks in large part to Vahakn Dadrian’s historical research efforts, followed by his published monumental documentations coupled with incontestable biography proving beyond all shadow of doubt the heinous massacres that the Ottoman Turks inflicted on our Armenian people starting in 1915, the world scholars are finally coming to terms in regard to this barbaric unresolved issue. In fact, some of these world scholars are Turks. Yes, the Wall of Science which the Turkish government has built and has been doggedly maintaining for the past 85 years is finally breaking down under its own corrupt weight. And at what better time than now, when Armenia is an independent Republic -- that is, if the Republic of Armenia gets out of the throes of decline and on the road to progress. Today, while our Armenian Diaspora is struggling to bring the plight of our 1,500,000 innocents who were martyred by the Ottomans between 1915-1923, to the attention of the entire world, we find our little Republic in complete disarray-- not because of the illegal blockade that the Azeris and Turks have been imposing on Armenia, but because of what our immature and self-seeking leaders over there are doing to themselves. Aside from wholesale corruption, assassinations, assassination attempts, poverty and mass migration, there is an ongoing tug-o-war in progress between political opportunists over there who place more importance on personal gain rather than on their nation and people’s welfare. In the past, we’ve attributed these weaknesses to the 70 or more years they survived under the godless Soviet rule which in part is true. But, unfortunately, after their newly gained independence of nine years, instead of the flame of optimism getting brighter, it seems to be getting dimmer and dimmer. And though it would probably take another generation or more before Armenia reaches normalcy, time is not on their side. Aside from the Azeris and Turks who would like to see Armenia shrivel up and die, there are also the professional Istanbul lobbyists along with the ever-present oil cartels whom they represent, who would also like to see Armenia shrivel up and die. Logic, therefore, demands that if Armenia is to survive, it will take the combined efforts of all Armenians, both in the homeland and in the Diaspora. But before any progress can be realized, our leaders in Armenia must close rank and start working together. But before anything else, they must stop migration by giving the people they represent something to be optimistic about. And that’s not going to happen until all those who are involved in government place the welfare of their nation ahead of their personal ambitions. As far as Armenia’s and Karabagh’s future are concerned, there is only one thing their leaders must realize. If they continue squandering their blood-soaked independence away for selfish motives today, they will never get it back again. The only thing left will be our religiously one but administratively divided churches that are presently practicing separation rather than the love and unity that the true spirit of Armenian Apostolic Christianity represents. Joseph Vosbikian