One of the most abominable exaggerations I ran across as an infantryman during W.W.II was the slogan, "Gott Mit Uns" (God is with us). It was stamped on all of the belt buckles of the German military. Looking back, history proved what a gross abomination this was because even with Hitler and God on their side, Nazi Germany still lost the war. Today, when the nations of our world are finally accepting the 1915 Genocide of our people and making it a part of their historic curriculums, we find Armenia floundering in self-inflicted internal power struggles. As for the poor deprived populace, if they are not leaving Armenia for greener pastures, they are helplessly watching and suffering in silence. During the past month, I have been reading and hearing some adverse responses to Baroness Caroline Cox’s March 30, 2000 open letter to our Armenian people. And even though all of these adverse responses were well meaning, I can’t help but feel that this great lady’s real message went by unnoticed. In short, and in my humble opinion, I believe that the message she was trying to get across without hurting the obvious inflated egos of many of the inept leaders who presently hold high positions in government over there, was to put an end to their internal skirmishes and to start doing what they’re politically obligated to do: first and foremost to protect the sovereignty of their floundering republics without giving anything away. And secondly, to do their utmost toward improving the safety and well being of all those whose future they hold in their hands. Can anyone with only an inkling of Armenian history doubt it when Lady Cox says, "The Islamic forces in the Caucus are determined decisively to resolve the problems of Armenia and Karabagh by force?" Is she being irrational? Just how far along on the road to survival would our newest Republics have been were it not for the help of the humanists of our world including many individual champions such as the Baroness herself? And even more so, how far along that road would our newest Republics have been were it not for the fact that Mother Russia is also dead set against seeing a stronger Turkish Islamic confederation on her borders? What this all comes down to is, I believe, why Baroness Cox wrote her open letter to the Armenians in the first place. It was to motivate all Armenians into trying to bring all of our efforts under one tent. Talk about insight -- I believe that Baroness Caroline Cox is very familiar with Armenian personalities and, as such, is very familiar with the fact that many of us suffer from a Don Quixote syndrome. As for those "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles which the Nazis were so proud of, I believe that was put to rest 85 years ago in the middle of the 1915 Genocide when one of our immortal Armenian scholars wrote, "Hoor-ess Ahs-vahdz?" (Where are you God?) Joseph Vosbikian