According to recent reports, the Consul General of Armenia has been spearheading a bipartisan movement in Los Angeles between the representatives of our three major Armenian political parties. This initiative is targeted, regardless of personal political affiliations, toward finding common ground between Diaspora Armenians. If it works, it will be the start of an entirely new era. To put it into a more proper perspective, if it works, it will be the dawning of a new functional logic that places the survival of Armenia, as a nation and people, above all varying types of self-interests, political or otherwise--a quality of existence which we Armenians have never enjoyed since the beginning of time. Will it work? It would be less than truthful if I said we don’t have reservations, but in spite of the past, we must give this new initiative all the support we can muster. Judging from the present-day climate of the unyielding world that surrounds us, the Spartan way may be the only way if we want to survive as a nation and a people. This, of course, doesn’t mean that we have to surrender our swords and standards. What it does mean, however, is when push comes to shove and the stability of our Armenian world is being threatened, whether from within or without, we must leave our swords and standards at the door and talk. Accordingly, the leaders of our Western Regional Political parties will be doing just that when they sit down at the table with Armenia’s Consul General. They plan to meet every month in an attempt to unite their respective community’s human resources by encouraging mutual cooperation and understanding. Ultimately, they want to eliminate the destructive adversarial climate that presently exists between them. In turn, they also want to encourage a more united Diaspora effort toward helping the homeland. With the assistance of the Consulate, they will be completely updated on all the major homeland projects along with all of the current issues that Armenia is facing. I would like to wish our Armenian Consul General, along with all of the currently involved leaders of our respective Diaspora political parties, overwhelming success and, above all, God speed. With mixed emotions, I keep telling myself, it’s too good to be true. But in spite of my timeworn pessimism, I will try to keep an open mind with the fervent hope that, it’s too good to be true, becomes a reality. A word to our Armenian Consul General along with all of the leader representatives from the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Social-Democratic Hunchukian party and the Armenian Democratic League, who are currently involved: Be advised that you are breaking new ground in Armenian politics. Do something we can ALL be proud of. Joseph Vosbikian